Working with the Main Window ListMeister’s main window presents you with your list. The lower left portion contains a status box that displays the name of the active list and the date and time. (Note that the time is only updated when something on the main window is activated.) The status box also contains the sort order buttons. You may choose one of three viewing orders by clicking the relevant radio button. Main window button functions: NEW Displays the list item entry window so that you may enter a new list item. EDIT Displays the entry window so that you may edit the currently selected list item. FIND Allows you to search for a list item whose description begins with or exactly matches the string you enter in the find window. Enter the string (case sensitive) in the Find window and press the [Tab] key. If a matching list item is found, it will be selected in the list. If no matching list item is found, the first item in the list will be selected. If no string is entered in the Find window (ie: you clicked the Find button by mistake), the first list item will be selected. Just remember to press the [Tab] key anytime you want to make the Find window go away. LIST Displays the Change List window. See the chapter “Changing Lists” for a complete description.